Why Sponsor Us?

By helping fund our team, you can reach community outreach goals, and give yourself a more positive reputation within the community. However, the most important reason to fund us is that you help empower the future employees of your company, whether they be engineers or businesspeople working in finance or media of your company. The skills people gain from robotics will help them in any field of study and any career.

Team Needs

As a FIRST Robotics Team, sponsors are instrumental in allowing us to continue educating and advancing students in STEM/Business by creating a positive environment where members learn life-long skills that they will use in their future as professionals.

In addition to covering the costs of expensive components used to construct a sturdy, competition-ready robot, your sponsorship (monetary or material) will contribute to upgrading our workshop with new tools, equipment, and training resources that will be able to support teaching new members about STEM.

Below is a breakdown of Trojan Robotics’ yearly expenses as well as the cost of parts and materials used in each season: